That day were you driving one way 5 hours(sans air conditioner), staying for an hour and a half then turning right around to drive back 5 hours. That day where you wake up dreading the full 24 upcoming hours. We, Dearest Husband and I, are half way to our dreaded destination when the tire becomes shredded. Not shredded where you can tell it hit something that made it come apart. It was shredded like a shark ate it for lunch and threw it back it up. The only thing I threw up was a few choice words. We had been planning to get new tires for my birthday in 2 weeks.
Disaster averted with a phone call to father in law, who woke up from his nap to rescue us. Well actually Dearest Husband called father in law’s neighbor to go wake him up because we could not get to him by phone. Within an hour we changed cars and were back on the road, this time with air conditioning. We even made it to the dreaded destination with 10 extra minutes to wash our blackened hands from changing the tire. We even got all the way back home by 1:00 am.
We were dancing in the minefields, and my feet need a rest today.
no wonder you didn't answer your phone! yuck, lady. just yuck!